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WEBINAR - Towards Sustainable Cooperative & Non-APC Publishing Models: results of OpenAIRE report
Cooperative Non-APC Publishing Models
Webinar - 2nd Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice
OA WEEK 2020 - OpenAIRE: Towards a scholarly commons
May webinar on why open access is important
OA Week 2020 - Panel: Equity and inclusion: community-owned infrastructures for open science
TRIPLE Open Science Training Series: ORE (21 April 2021)
CESSDA Webinar: Making Social Science Research Transparent
Day 1: Covering your needs at every stage of research: the OpenAIRE Services in a nutshell
Scholarly publishing webinar #4 - Let’s get practical: aligning institutional action with Plan S
EURAXESS ASEAN Webinar on Open Science
Implementing FAIR principles: Tools, Infrastructure and Guidelines and the Greek Horizon